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Recreation Commission Minutes 07/15/09 - DRAFT ONLY

July 16th 2009

A business meeting of the New Durham Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order 6:38 PM at the New Durham Elementary School in the teacher’s lounge located on Main Street.

Kristyn Bernier, Chairperson
Marcia Berry*, Commissioner
Al Koehler, Commissioner
Sheri Joy, Commissioner
Wendi Fenderson, Secretary
Jennifer Nyman, Commissioner

Excused Absence: Lucinda Irwin, Commission

Also Present:
Jessica Bailey, Director
Terry Jarvis

Citizens Forum:
Terry Jarvis asks the Commission if we post our agendas in two places.  Jessica Bailey states she posts the agenda on the website normally, but it was not posted for this meeting.  She will ask the Town Administrator the rules for posting agendas.

Kristyn Bernier reports she has received permission from Lucinda Irwin to address the Commission on her behalf, because she had to attend a family event.
A motion was made by Sheri Joy, seconded by Marcia Berry to grant Kristyn Bernier to address  the Commission on the behalf of Lucinda Irwin (Vote was unanimous)

Kristyn Bernier reports she has spoke with Lucinda Irwin regarding her outburst at the last Commission meeting.  Lucinda expressed she was extremely frustrated when the citizens forum finished, due to many of the issues that were being addressed were issues that the Commission has been talking about for months.  She apologizes for her outburst to the entire Commission.

Department Report:
Creative Kids Club:

Laura McCarthy reports that the summer has not been able to contract children for every day of the week this year.  She feels that the $85.00 may be the reason, as many families are struggling.  

Laura McCarthy reports she cancelled the beach trip today, but did not have to pay for the bus driver.

Sheri Joy reports asks if Jessica Bailey has put an advertisement is the papers for the trips that Laura is using the money from the Smitty Trust Fund?  Jessica Bailey states she has not done any advertising in the papers but did put the information in the last newsletter from school.  Sheri Joy expresses her concern that Jessica Bailey did not do what the Commission asked her do, especially when the programs are using public funds for the trips.  She asks Jessica Bailey to put something in Fosters and the Baysider ASAP.
Laura McCarthy reports she took an online course through the State of NH DHHS to be able to process payment for people that are receiving state assistance for childcare. Laura McCarthy reports that all our families in CKC paperwork are update to date.

Terry Jarvis asks if the people that receive state assistance are paying the difference for the childcare they are receiving, Laura reports that as of December. Discussion ensued regarding what the preschool program owes the recreation commission after the closing.

Sheri Joy asks what is the status of the grant money that was received by the Pre-school program. Kristyn Bernier reports she is looking at what to do from a legal standpoint.  Sheri Joy would like Laura to develop an action plan how the CKC could utilize the grant money and then contact the NHECP.  Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Sheri Joy that the Recreation Commission asks Laura McCarthy to clarify if the CKC program can keep the NHEC grant money (Vote was unanimous)

Laura McCarthy reports she has developed a sliding pay scale.   Laura McCarthy reports these is the going rate and this competive and retain our employees.  Sheri Joy asks if someone has a child in the program are they still receiving the benefit was of not paying for child care.  
Laura McCarthy reports that she is not writing the time the children were at the childcare and converting into a dollar amount, which Vicki is documenting at the town hall to add to the employee’s W-4.  Kristyn Bernier asks why Laura McCarthy had not been doing this process this all along?  Laura McCarthy reports she was unaware that she needed to do this.

Kristyn Bernier reports that the Commission is rectifying a situation that they have no oversight of employment agreements.  Terry Jarvis reports that the person making the offer that include benefits that equate to compensation this person should have a system in place and explain to the employee the process.  The Commission is seeking a more seamless and easier agreement from Laura McCarthy to bring to the next meeting.

Administrative Review:

The next meeting will be August 20th at 6:30PM at the NDS.

Manifest for accounts payable and payroll:

Jessica Bailey reports that her order that was processed at Sam’s Club was missing items and she has contacted them for reimbursement.

New Business:

Play-up Policy:
Kristyn Bernier reports that the coaches meeting was well attend and she asked the coaches to provide input which the Commission has not received any to date, which has been frustrating for the Commission.
Jessica Bailey reports that Suncook Valley League does not currently have a play up policy.  Sheri Joy discusses her concern with the word only in section 2 that currently reads:

The players asked to ‘play-up “ should only be players who will, due to date of birth, be playing at that upper level the following season.

Sheri Joy states that she feels that only may close the door on plays that may be of age but not have the skill set.  
Kristyn Bernier asks to change the title to make the play up policy a blanket for all sports.

Sheri Joy expresses her concern as why, this policy is being put into place and that the Recreation programs are a stepping-stone for all New Durham children.  Kristyn Bernier understands Sheri Joy’s frustration but there are currently no policies, in place and the coaches are left to develop rules and not everyone is on the same page.  Kristyn Bernier reports that this baseball season has been extremely difficult for everyone.  Sheri Joy and Marcia Berry state that there were policies and do not understand what happened to them. Discussion ensued to establish policies and procedures for all sports.

Kristyn Bernier tables the New Durham Athletic Mission Statement for the next meeting.

A motion was made by Sheri Joy, seconded by Kristyn Bernier to accept the play up policy as amended KRISTYN I DO NOT HAVE THE AMENDED LANGUAGE (Vote was unanimous)

Sheri Joy would like to establish a sub committee to work on policies.  Al Koehler states he would like to sit on the committee.

July 22nd 6pm-8pm NDS policy sub-committee to meet

Old Business:

Criminal Background policy check-not discussed

Shed/Cement Slab-not discussed

Beach Sand permit- Kristyn Bernie reports that Ron Gehl will be attending the August meeting to discuss the beach permit. Discussion ensued

Walking Path: Sheri Joy reports that she will start work again on the walking path and will need volunteers.  Al Koehler and Jessica Bailey will get dates from Sheri Joy to send out to solicit volunteers to assist on completing the walking path.

Karate Intro Program: Sheri Joy reports that she has not heard back from the studio and will look to begin Karate possibility in the fall

Road Race Update: Kristyn Bernier reports she has secured Yankee timing for the course and is working with Lynette Place to secure donations and mark the course. The Commission develops a list of needs for the road race and assigns tasks.
1.      Entrance fees were discussed as follows: $15 per person $13 if you bring a donation for the food pantry.  $25 per couple-$22 per couple with two donations for the food pantry. Children $1 or a donation.
2.      Lynette Place looking for water donations and donation from Stoneyfield etc.
3.      Sheri Joy will place registration on the Merrymeeting Lake Association website.
4.      Jessica Bailey will price tee-shirts with Piches
5.      Wendi Fenderson will ask people to bake goods
6.      Sheri Joy will be placing information about the road race on the sign down at the dump.
Discussion ensued for tasks for the rest of the commission members to bring to the policy meeting if possible.

A motion was made by Sheri Joy, seconded by Marcia Berry to expend up to $600 for the road race timing company on Aug 15th (Vote was unanimous)

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded Jen Nyman to expend up to $5 for the first 100 runners gifts (Vote was unanimous)


Jessica Bailey reports on inventory Basketball inventory is done and there is not need for equipment or uniforms.

Jessica Bailey reports that the soccer inventory is completed and there are some shirts that need to be replaced, including goalie shirts.  Al Koehler reports that there were no pennies at the soccer fields and Jessica Bailey will make sure that there are pennies and ice packs down in the shed.  All purchases will be coming out of the general fund.

Jessica Bailey reports on the steal door quote.  Sheri Joy discusses that Jessica should solicit more quotes from local contractors.  The commission develops a list of local contractors and Jessica Bailey will be sending out letters.  If it is free Jessica Bailey will put an ad in the local papers soliciting quotes.  After the road race an add will be placed on the sign at the dump.
Jessica Bailey reports that the replacement plaque for the Oklahoma City provided by the girls scouts, is ready to be placed by the tree. Marcia Berry will put an x where the plaque should be placed and Jessica Bailey will contact Tina Ediman to give her the old plaque. The girl scouts plaque for 911. J. Bailey will send out a note to T. Edman

Boards for the bleachers: Al Koehler provided replacement wood for the upper field. Jessica will ask Mark Fuller and his crew if they can assist in replacing the wood.

Sheri Joy asks for the field maintenance crew is still dumping grass clippings near the walking path, Jessica Bailey will ask Mark.

Jessica Bailey reports the flagpole is done and will speak with Tony Eldridge to see if he can put in electricity.
Kristyn Bernier reports that there are only six children signed up for the Concord Baseball Camp.  Kristyn states that she asks Jessica Bailey several times to advertise the program to other towns and in the newspaper.  Jessica Bailey reports she will develop a plan to provide better PR for the Recreation programs. Kristen Bernier reports that every event needs to have a bi-weekly column and Jessica Bailey should contact the VNA for a blood pressure, as she was asked before.

Swimming lessons: Jessica Bailey discussed the numbers, and Al Koehler comments that he has received positive feedback, however the parking is an issue.

Jessica Bailey reports she is developing a fundraising calendar for next year. Discussion ensued on how to develop the program.

Marcia Berry reports that she received two complaints from the baseball raffle, due to lack of communication that there were other prizes, not just the baseballs. Discussion ensued.

Jessica Bailey reports she received a letter for the Recreation Commission to donate to Fire Company.  Kristyn Bernier reports that the Recreation Commission cannot donate to the fire company and asks Jessica Bailey to respond to the letter.

Sheri Joy reports the Luau is on Aug 15th and there is a need to make purchases. Discussion ensued on things that need to be done for Aug. 15th. We will have to run generators to get electricity.

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Marcia Berry to have Sheri Joy obtain supplies for the Luau in the amount of $250.00  (Vote was unanimous)

Kristyn Bernier reports that the volunteer BBQ is next weekend.  Discussion ensued what the schedule of events and what will be served. Jenn Nyman will invite additional guests.

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Al Koehler to accept minutes of June 17, 2009 as amended (Vote was unanimous with Sheri Joy abstaining)

Jessica Bailey reports that August 8th will be the set up day for the soccer fields.

Jessica Bailey was excused at 10:45PM

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Sheri Joy to enter into non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3 II a-e. Wendi Fenderson-Aye, Kristyn Bernier-Aye, Jennifer Nyman-Aye, Marcia Berry-Aye, Al Koehler-Aye, Sheri Joy-Aye

A motion was made by Kristyn Bernier, seconded by Wendi Fenderson to return to public session, made a motion.  Roll call-Wendi Fenderson-Aye, Kristyn Bernier-Aye, Sheri Joy-Aye, Jennifer Nyman-Aye-Marcia Berry-Aye, and Al Koehler Aye at 12:13AM

A motion was made, by Kristyn Bernier seconded Jen Nyman to address an issue in writing to the selectman (Vote was unanimous)

Motion to adjourn at 12:15AM (vote was unanimous)